Last week on Thursday we had Kaumatua and Kuia day, Tuna weigh in, Takakau, Matariki performance at Bay of island college and a kapa haka performance for our Kaumatua and Kuia. It was a very busy week for everyone because There was Tuna and Takakau, Kaumatua and Kuia day and other things that couldn't even remember it was a very long week for everyone. Nga Rau Puawai and Nga Rau Rangatira (my class) did hangi preparation we had to peal 4 big bags of potatoes and Kumara we did six pumpkins, 10 cabbage, 4 bags of carrots and 2 bags of Onions that was a mission. After school teachers stayed back at school to pack away the hangi. Then come the next day it was finally Kaumatua and Kuia day the whole school put on a performance for them then we had made our way back across the road and went for a kai of hangi. What I like about last week getting the opportunity to help prep for the hangi and putting on a performance for them. My least favourite part was cutting my hand when I was washing the knifes and Potatoes peelers.
Hi Eva it's Manu I like your and now I know you can peal for real the one that I really like is the one you and kahu because of kahu mob smile.