Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Reading skills

This week and last week we have been reading a book called catching a space duck. The skills that I have been doing is reading the book and then summing what happened in it. Sometimes I read the book and then I re-read  the book so I can understand whats going on.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Fraction art

This week I have been learning to do fraction. But to day we did our maths differently instead of writing it in our maths books we instead we had made art. The fractions I made it up to was  1 whole, 1/2,  1/4,  1/ 8,  1/16,  1/32, 1/64,  1/128,  1/256,  1/512,  1/1024, 1/ 2048,  1/4096.  The easy part was  cutting and gluing the paper onto the whole.  The easy part was  cutting and gluing the paper onto the whole. The thing I will change about my art is the shape.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019


The past week we have been writing postcards for other schools in new Zealand we had to use a site called anagram maker it is a very productive site. We also had to get a item from the class and see, feel and smell the object, my object was a Dinosaur and I had to write the first thing that pops into my head then I write it in my book.